In kindness & fun!


 The first-ever club in Rotary world history to have a DEI Chairperson in the By-Laws as a Board of Directors member, Club #224228

Making world history with 57% minority inclusive members and about 70% women members - setting global records


We're the fun club with dozens of lady members to join where growth is enabled by mentors and coaches. We don't have leaders, employees, or members. We have teammates, mentors, and coaches and disallow the word employee to be used for any reason. We have been known to showcase music, one minute of love, holistic healing, and more in our gatherings. We welcome you to avoid our meetings like the plague - as much as you will want to avoid our dues (set extremely low as it is not how we build money to pay our bills). Coming to meetings is not part of our strategy, nor is attendance requirements - you can join in with our asynchronous video or audio meetings anytime you like and be a fully-engaged member of Rotary. Oftentimes, this leads to even more engagement than ever before. You can watch our gatherings later in the week! We are a transparent club that publishes it's financials of balance sheet and income statement every year online with our bylaws and constitution (look under Hipster Info, Documents & Financial Reports up above).

Club 224228 former President Marti Mongiello, Rania Mongiello (Rota-Kids), former Rotary President Jennifer Jones, and Rotarian Stormy Mongiello 



  • Ms. Dolly Parikh, President 2022-2023, Rotary Club of Silicon Valley for Global Impact. Water Goddess.
  • Professor Doctor Jagannath Patnaik, Vice-Chancellor ICFAI University.
  • Dr. Maria Rosa Nieva Carrion, PDG, Arch Klumph Society Family Circle member. Manila Rotary Charter President of Manila Supreme 198.
  • Ms. Terri Miller, founder and member of Rotary on the Ridge in central Florida. Former member of Lake Wales Breakfast Rotary Club, Membership Chairperson for many years, Golf Tournament Chairperson, past President, past Assistant District Governor, Lake Wales Breakfast Rotary Foundation Secretary. First President of new club making her a President of two clubs in the same Rotary year. Currently, Rotary District 6890 Foundation Board of Directors and Chief of Staff.
  • Mr. Manu Seth, PHF, Rotary Club NOIDA India. Foundation Chair, Rotarian from the Rotary Club Noida, District 3012.
  • Mr. Nico Iannelli, PDG, former Governor of District 7680, former club President in Charlotte and a Paul Harris Fellow.


  • Mr. Istiaque Doza, Professor Martin CJ Mongiello, MBA, MA, MCFE. Ms. Quanta Dawn Light, Reverend Doris Elaine Smarr, Ms. Stormy L. Mongiello, MBA, PHR-SHRM-CP, Patty Freudenberg, Dr. Pauline Crawford, Dr. Maria Rosa Nieva Carrion, Ms. Kay Doxilly, CPA, Mr. Nico Iannelli, PDG, Ms. Dolly Parikh, Dr. Patnaik Jagannath, Mr. Firoz Peera, PDG, Mr. Manu Seth, MBA, and Mr. David Lynn.
  • Nine-time awarded, PHF, and Benefactor - Mr. Firoz Peera, PDG (and Ms. Sheila) Peera, Arch Klumph Society Trustees Circle member.

FOUNDATION CHAIRPERSON: Ms. Kay Doxilly, CPA - former President of Rotary Club of Green Valley

CONVENTION: Join us in Calgary 2025, Taipei 2026, Honolulu 2027 - and see the whole convention agenda here!

OUR DEI CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Desziree Richardson lives in London, England and provides our One Minute of Love showcases at many meetings.

ROTARY DAY WITH UNICEF: Empowering girls:  How do we create a safe and more resilient world for girls as we re-open societies post-Covid? Featuring Rotary’s People of Action: Champions of Girls’ Empowerment. Watch the recording here.

UKRAINE: Rotary clubs have taken swift action to provide food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for Ukrainian refugees. Find out more.


WATCH ALL OF OUR 2022-2023 MEETINGS HERE (sample show link below) and then see our 2024/2025 meetings on our YouTube Channel


WATCH ALL OF OUR 2022-2023 MEETINGS HERE (sample show link above)


The Break the Bias podcast show logo

Our club member Rotarians are united in DEI to #breakthebias and #breakthetaboo

Some projects of our Rotarians in club #224228

  • A $25,000.00 humanitarian grant was sought for Ukraine with our district's help from The Rotary Foundation, Doctor Michael Rodriguez, Patty Freudenberg, Martin Mongiello, Bob Otter, and then Governor Nico Iannelli. We used this money to purchase CitizenAID medical kits which were shipped to Poland and District 2231 with DG Piotr Jankowski and his hard-working team across Poland. Faradj Giliadov, with Fenyx Foundation footed the entire multi-thousand bill to pick-up and then distribute the kits across Ukraine.

    Гуманітарний грант у розмірі 25 000,00 доларів для України шукали за допомогою нашого округу Фонд Ротарі, доктор Майкл Родрігез, Петті Фройденберг, Мартін Монгієлло, Боб Оттер, а потім губернатор Ніко Іаннеллі. Ми витратили ці гроші на придбання медичних наборів CitizenAID, які разом із генеральним директором Пьотром Янковським та його працьовитою командою були відправлені до Польщі та округу 2231 по всій Польщі. Фарадж Гілядов разом із Fenyx Foundation оплатив весь багатотисячний рахунок, щоб забрати та розповсюдити комплекти по всій Україні.

    Ubiegano się o grant humanitarny w wysokości 25 000 USD dla Ukrainy z pomocą naszego dystryktu od Fundacji Rotary, doktora Michaela Rodrigueza, Patty Freudenberg, Martina Mongiello, Boba Ottera, a następnie gubernatora Nico Iannelli. Wykorzystaliśmy te pieniądze na zakup zestawów medycznych CitizenAID, które zostały wysłane do Polski i Dystryktu 2231 wraz z DG Piotrem Jankowskim i jego ciężko pracującym zespołem w całej Polsce. Faradj Giliadov wraz z Fundacją Fenyx pokrył cały wielotysięczny rachunek za odbiór, a następnie dystrybucję zestawów na terenie Ukrainy.

    Гуманитарный грант в размере 25 000 долларов США был запрошен для Украины с помощью нашего округа от Фонда Ротари, доктора Майкла Родригеса, Пэтти Фройденберг, Мартина Монгиелло, Боба Оттера, а затем губернатора Нико Ианнелли. На эти деньги мы приобрели медицинские комплекты CitizenAID, которые были отправлены в Польшу и округ 2231 вместе с генеральным директором Петром Янковским и его трудолюбивой командой по всей Польше. Фарадж Гилядов вместе с Fenyx Foundation оплатил весь многотысячный счет, чтобы забрать и затем распространить наборы по Украине.
  • Five shipments of $300,000+ in supplies, medical equipment, generators, wheelchairs, food, and baby food to our new Rotary Club of Global Impact office in Kiev, Ukraine provided by Fenyx Foundation. Distribution took several weeks after President Alexander Muller, as well as Piotr Jankowski of Warsaw, Poland District 2231 and their teams, of the Maritime Motion Club of Hamburg, with team, provided weeks of work to make millions of dollars and pounds of items available across Ukraine, Latvia, Romania, and Moldova. Distribution of the items has taken some time due to so much and handled by Katerina Shyrikova and Faradj Giliadov of Fenyx Foundation. In this case they again spent several more thousands of dollars in trucking fees to get items and then distribute them. A special thanks to Istiaque Doza, Adam Blanco, Irina Kopanitsya, Liubym Gerasymenko, Marcelo Garcia, Olena Polishchuk, and Marius Kreft.
  1. Watch Doctor Douglas Davis, MD, here prepare to leave for Ukraine.
  2. See for yourself the $25,000.00 humanitarian grant we got from Rotary Foundation to send the medical kits over.
  3. And then watch this first-video from early in the war when we team with Fenyx Foundation to help.
  4. We participated in a candlelight service on Christmas Eve across the world in 2022 to support Ukraine. See that show here we partook in with partner USPSC.
  5. Rape and war crimes in Mariupol - LIVE from the front lines with Miss Ukraine and her mother.
  6. LIVE from Ukraine - we want to live and survive show - a plea from the little children via our partner The USPSC.
  7. Waking up the West with Liubym Gerasymenko for a fireside chat with Martin CJ Mongiello at the USPSC.
  8. A special thank you video was issued by our club for all of the work completed in 2022/2023.
  • In late 2022 and early 2023 we partnered with Be an Angel Foundation, Mountain Seed, many other Rotary clubs across the world (including our official TWIN CLUB of Rotary Club of Impact Silicon Valley), Ukrainian Medical Society of North America (UMANA), Friends of Be an Angel, and the Milwaukee Rotary Club to donate money (donate LIVE and mark your donation for generators) and time for the delivery of thousands of generators, medical supplies, and more. Friends of Be an Angel has arranged to purchase over 1700 generators. The cost of the generators is $1,013,760. To date commitments have been received for just under $828,630. Two shipments in total of 1,192 generators have arrived in Ukraine so far, with the remaining generators arriving within the next week. The generators are being gratefully received, as shown in this powerful video and in this touching video from a teacher with her class. 
  • In 2024 Patty Freudenberg and Aaron Newman Myers created the DARE TO SPARE program to send clothing and games to Ukraine via collection sites in New York.
  • Reverend Doris Elaine Smarr of Kings Mountain donated nine sleeping bags in 2024 for our Rotary Road Program where sleeping bags are handed out of car windows to the freezing and homeless along with two-gallon bags containing undergarments, socks, water, food, and a magazine. Her continuous donations with the Mongiello's, Dr. Miguel Rodriguez, and Patty Freudenberg of food to the 24-hour NO QUESTIONS ASKED FOOD BANK in front of our headquarters building has been amazing to feed the hungry into 2025.

Watch this additional movie here on the new funds opened up for Ukraine

Watch this additional movie here on the new funds opened up for Ukraine

  • We have recently begun working on opening up an office in Somaliland. In early 2023, the office was opened in Hargeisa with Engineer Abdirashid Ali who came to visit America in May, 2023. He attended the Rotary District Convention dinner on May 5th and received many gifts and awards. Moving forward, we will next work with our first-ever Rotaract Club in Somaliland through 2024 and 2025. One of our great supporters has been his sister, Anab Ali of the RIYO RAAC Foundation and their orphanages with 300+ children. 

    لقد بدأنا مؤخرًا العمل على فتح مكتب في أرض الصومال. في عام 2023 ، تم افتتاح المكتب في هرجيسا مع المهندس عبد الرشيد علي الذي جاء لزيارة أمريكا في مايو 2023. وحضر عشاء مؤتمر منطقة الروتاري في 5 مايو وتلقى العديد من الهدايا والجوائز. من الآن فصاعدًا ، سنعمل بعد ذلك مع أول نادي روتاراكت لنا في أرض الصومال. كانت شقيقته عناب علي من مؤسسة RIYO RAAC ودور الأيتام التي تضم أكثر من 300 طفل واحدة من أكبر الداعمين لنا.

    Waxa aanu dhawaan bilownay in aanu xafiis ka furno Somaliland. 2023 waxa xafiiska Hargeysa laga furay Injineer Cabdirashiid Cali oo booqasho ku yimi America May, 2023, waxa uu ka qayb galay casho sharaftii degmada Rotary ee 5-tii May waxaanu ku helay hadyado iyo abaalmarino badan. Horay u soco, waxa aanu marka xigta la shaqayn doonaa naadigii ugu horeeyay ee Rotaract ee Somaliland. Taageerayaasheena waaweyn waxaa ka mid ahaa walaashii, Canab Cali oo ka tirsan hay’adda RIYO RAAC Foundation iyo xarumaha agoomaha ee ay ku nool yihiin in ka badan 300 oo carruur ah.

  • We have begun to work with Rotary Club Noida of India District 3012 to emulate and replicate our successful 24-hour food bank. Our 24-hour No Questions asked Rotary Food Bank is also a certified Little Free Library. In 2019, we built a 24-hour Food Bank in front of our offices and expanded the library offerings with our Little Free Library system as an authorized library - Charter #27425. We had first started working on childhood hunger issues in 1994 leading up to Childhood Hunger Day in 1995 in Washington, DC with Congress. Our board and trustees decided that we are committed to stocking the Food Bank more like a blessings box with clothing, books, food, drinks, and more. The community has also pitched in by stopping by and dropping off food - which is the most magical thing to see ever!  In 2020, we held a Free Blanket Week that went well and began to accept other items for distribution including clothes, shoes, belts, and advertising coffee mugs from Carolinas Commercial Realty. Anything to help a person in their home! By 2021, we had distributed more than 3,000 free books - many of which were put into other Little Free Libraries as far away as Chimney Rock, NC. A special thanks went out to Pastor Will Upchurch for donating 1,000+ books. See our CREA school show here from India.

    हमने अपने 24 घंटे के सफल फूड बैंक का अनुकरण और दोहराने के लिए रोटरी क्लब ऑफ इंडिया डिस्ट्रिक्ट 3012 के साथ काम करना शुरू कर दिया है। हमारा 24 घंटे कोई प्रश्न नहीं पूछा गया रोटरी फूड बैंक भी एक प्रमाणित लिटिल फ्री लाइब्रेरी है। 2019 में, हमने अपने कार्यालयों के सामने 24 घंटे का फ़ूड बैंक बनाया और एक अधिकृत पुस्तकालय - चार्टर #27425 के रूप में हमारे लिटिल फ्री लाइब्रेरी सिस्टम के साथ पुस्तकालय की पेशकश का विस्तार किया। हमने पहली बार 1994 में बचपन की भूख के मुद्दों पर काम करना शुरू किया था, जिसके बाद 1995 में वाशिंगटन, डीसी में कांग्रेस के साथ चाइल्डहुड हंगर डे था। हमारे बोर्ड और ट्रस्टियों ने फैसला किया कि हम फूड बैंक को कपड़ों, किताबों, भोजन, पेय, और बहुत कुछ के साथ आशीर्वाद बॉक्स की तरह स्टॉक करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। समुदाय ने भी भोजन को रोककर और छोड़ कर आगे बढ़ाया है - जो कि अब तक की सबसे जादुई चीज है! 2020 में, हमने एक फ्री ब्लैंकेट वीक आयोजित किया जो अच्छी तरह से चला और कैरोलिनास कमर्शियल रियल्टी से कपड़े, जूते, बेल्ट और विज्ञापन कॉफी मग सहित वितरण के लिए अन्य वस्तुओं को स्वीकार करना शुरू कर दिया। अपने घर में किसी व्यक्ति की मदद करने के लिए कुछ भी! 2021 तक, हमने 3,000 से अधिक मुफ्त किताबें वितरित की थीं - जिनमें से कई को चिमनी रॉक, एनसी के रूप में दूर अन्य लिटिल फ्री लाइब्रेरी में रखा गया था। 1,000+ किताबें दान करने के लिए पादरी विल अपचर्च को विशेष धन्यवाद दिया गया।

  • $567,000.00 raised in one night. Our many chefs in our group worked recently for Cystic Fibrosis in one night serving dinner at Quail Hollow Country Club (site of the PGA Championship) for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at the Dining with the Master Chefs event. This dinner served 328 people, and some of our Chefs worked for 16 hours straight. 

  • Turkiye, Puerto Rico, Morocco, Algeria, Maui, Southern Florida, Gaza Humanitarian Aid, and Pakistan. We have worked hard in each area, recently, and also to teach our fellow friends in Pakistan how to apply for several hundred thousand dollars of grants during the floods and destruction (via GoogleMeet meetings with Pakistan), as well as held fund-raising shows for businesses in Puerto Rico. We donated money to all areas and supported millions of dollars provided by our District and the Rotary Foundation. 

  • Helping raise $497,550.00 in Nigeria for women farmers. Please join us as we celebrate our work in Nigeria with club members helping in our official Kiva partnership to partake in an almost $500,000.00 loan to help 25,000 Nigerian women farmers! We had helped raise the full amount at 100% funding in just eight days! We were given 40 days. And then watch us invest, LIVE ON THE AIR, into six businesses across Africa!

  • Helping raise $500,000 .00 in 41 days to illuminate 125,000 homes with solar power and working with investors via and (analyze our full, world impact). In 2023 we tore into an opportunity to illuminate homes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the DRC) and worked with Alltech to do so by first issuing a call for help. We then moved forward to announce our teams of over 10,000 people total had finished the job.
  • "I'm Speaking" - "I'm Speaking Now". Join us across 205 countries and territories for the I'M SPEAKING NOW show with your hosts, Doctor Pauline Crawford Omps, Ms. Grace Elebute, Doctor Purnima Voria, H.E. Dr Desziree Richardson, Ms. Rakhi Voria, and Ms. Patty Freudenberg. We invested LIVE ON THE AIR into six women-owned businesses as part of the WOMEN @ WORK = WONDERS PROGRAM.

  • Erasing the only second (or possibly third) disease in earth history. In December 2020 and February 2022, we proudly made financial donations to help defeat Guinea Worm Disease, in Africa.  Since 1986, this disease had 3.5 million cases per year and has now been reduced by 99.99% due to help from the Carter Presidential Center Project.  In the summer of 2024, Rotarians filmed a TV special on the Carter's with Bella Unplugged of Atlanta where the Carter Foundation is. Since starting to work on it in 1986 it now had just 54 cases in 2019.  We have begun to share this work with our strategic partners across Africa, America, and England. Our members in the Polio Society and recent donations to STOP POLIO NOW in 2023 and 2024 continue by our club members that win 50/50 raffles and more!



 The first-ever club in Rotary world history to have a DEI Chairperson in the By-Laws as a Board of Directors member, Club #224228

Making world history with 57% minority inclusive members and 64% women members - setting global records

The I'm speaking now graphic with six women hosts.